Barcelona , 14 February 1939
He was a pupil of Jaume Cervera at the Escola dels Comtes de Peralada. In 1890, he founded the cobla La Principal de Peralada with his brother Miquel, and was also violinist and tible, and later conductor of the ensemble. In Figueres, he conducted the Orfeó Art i Pàtria and founded a school of the Dalcroze Eurhythmics. In 1915, he moved to Barcelona and collaborated with cobles Cathalonia and Sureda while he was a copywriter of the Orfeó Català. In 1924, he was appointed conductor and representative of Cobla Barcelona. He composed over 250 works mainly for cobla, with sardanes such as La Reina de les Flors (1903). He orchestrated sardanes by Enric Morera and some of Eduard Toldrà, and one of the first to compose in the “free style” (gènere lliure) of cobla music.