
Algemesí , 24 July 1638
Kapellmeister, organist and composer
In 1653, having passed an exam before the organist of Alzira, he became organist in the parish of Sant Jaume in Algemesí. Three years later, he was appointed Kapellmeister and possibly had Joan Baptista Cabanilles as his disciple.
In 1659, a judicial dispute led to the deprivation of his position. However, in 1669 he was appointed Kapellmeister and organist of the parish of Santa Maria in Ontinyent. There, he taught Vicent Rodríguez Monllor, future organist of the cathedral of Valencia. From 1686, he was part of examination boards in multiple Valencian towns including Valencia’s cathedral.
The use of a particular cadence in his music has made it possible to theorize about the links between the composer and his disciples. The composer’s polychoral polyphony shows his remarkable mastery of the counterpoint. His extant output includes three Masses –one of them for seven voices (Missa ad honorem B. M. Virginis)– and liturgical works such as motets, chants and psalms.