Capella de Música del Palau de la Comptessa
Historical Institutions and Ensembles
Capella de Música del Palau de la Comptessa
Dating back to the mid-16th century, at a time when music then played an important role as part of the so-called ‘divine veneration’. This chapel was promoted by Estefania de Requesens (ca. 1504-1549) and became, over the years, one of the most celebrated chapels of Barcelona. During the stay of Archduke Charles of Austria (1685-1740) the exchanges between this chapel and that of the archduke, made the chapel become central in the reception of Italian models and style which was of great importance for Catalan music history. Some of his most important Kapellmeisters were Felip Olivelles and Tomàs Milans i Godayol.